MDC presents the first high performance stirrup for Pony Riders. The MDC āSā Pony Classicā¢ combines ourĀ forward facing design,Ā traditional styling and improved safety for our smallest riders. The āSā Pony Classicā¢ is a wonder of engineering and rider safety. Aesthetically pure in design, as well as show ring legal for all competitions, the MDC āSā Pony Classicā¢ brings advanced stirrup design to the World of Ponies. MDC Stirrups are designed by a professional horseman; from our Saddle to Yours / Horseman to Horseman.
ā¢ Patented MDC āSā Pony Classic Stirrupsā¢ with 45Āŗ āSā Stirrup Positioning Technology
ā¢ Invisible design produces performance advantages with traditional styling
ā¢Provides aĀ naturalĀ leg and foot position
ā¢Ultra low profile, high traction traditional width aluminum tread for greater security
ā¢Larger stirrup area gives more clearance for improved safety
ā¢Increased safety due to our forward facing design
ā¢Easy stirrup retrieval
ā¢Available in 2 sizes (4 & 4.25 inches)
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